Our Logo Design Process

What is a logo? A logo, defined by dictionary.com, is as a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition. But how does a logo come to fruition? Let’s dive into that process.

We all have our own way of doing things, but for logo design most designers would agree that following the steps below is a good standard for getting to the best logo design possible.

Design brief

First, we conduct a questionnaire/interview with your client to narrow down what they are envisioning. Some key questions include:

  • “What is the nature of your business?”
  • “Are there any symbols associated with your business?”
  • “What was the meaning behind your business name?”
  • “Do you have any inspirational logos that you like and dislike?”
  • “Who is your target audience and ideal customer?”
  • “Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?”
  • “What was the meaning behind your business name?”.

Now we all know what a client expects with their logo is not always possible or simply not a good idea. So this point of the process is always the best time to make expectations clear as well.


Now that you know your client’s expectations, it is always best to do some comprehensive research. GOOGLE IMAGES! Yes, we all do it. You sit at the computer ready to do some diligent investigating… and the first thing you do is google search images of the words associated with the business name of your client. “Whatever works” right? Right. But also research popular successful logos that have made it through the ages. Dissect what makes those logos so successful and see if you can apply those findings to your logo design. Most importantly research the logos of your client’s competitors. Focus on what those logos are missing and how you can make your clients logo stand out above the competition.


Are you the designer that cracks open a can of redbull, has the latest Kendrick track blasting, while chewing on a pencil you have no intention of using, that goes straight into Illustrator to start vectorising up some concepts that you hope falls into place like Chicken & Waffles? Or are you the designer wrapped in a comfy blanket, leaning back into your balcony chair, soothed by the early morning breeze, while sipping on a nice hot cup of joe, while peeling off the plastic wrapping of their brand new sketch book, eager to lay down some sketches hoping your doodles look like the sketchbook of Leonardo da Vincis Study for the Last Supper? Your methods of conceptualization do not matter. You will have an easier time getting to a final product if you put into practice the early stage of sketching out ideas. “Learn to walk before you run”.

Take a Step Back

As you go through the previous steps it is important to step back from the development. Completely remove yourself from the project for a bit and you will find that sometimes your best ideas come to mind when you are completely removed from visually looking at your work. When you return to the project take a few minutes to run through all the information you’ve gathered and created to that point to make sure you haven’t missed a key ingredient.


Depending on how well your concepts have come to life, present to your client a collection or approximately around 3 logos you feel as a designer works the best to represent the brand and that the client will approve. This process will likely repeat itself into multiple versions after receiving client feedback.

Remember to be patient, stay open minded, but also stand by the your concepts and how they came to be.

Posted 8 years ago on · Permalink